4. Burried
Bury/Buried (Verb)
Meaning: to put a dead body into the ground
Sentence: "They buried him near the house where he was born"
New sentence: His father is buried in the cemetery on the hill.
Synonym: entomb, put away
Antonym: disinter
5. Heat
Heat (noun)
Meaning: the quality of being hot or warm.
Sentence: "Many workers became tired and weak in the heat."
New sentence: Karla is cooking the soup over a low heat.
Synonyms: hot, warm
Antonym: cold
6. Urged
Urged/ Urge (Verb)
Meaning: to strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing
Sentence: "Polly Ann urged John Henry to come out"
New sentence: The president urged other countries to lift the trade restrictions.
Synonym: impulse, desire
Antonym: disapproved.
7. Shout
Shouted/ shout (verb)
Meaning: to speak with a very loud voice, often as loud as possible, usually when you want to make yourself heard in noisy situations
Sentence: "The crowd shouted as clouds of dust came from inside the mountain"
New sentence: Karla shouted to Carlos because he forgot his wallet.
Synonym: call out
Antonym: whisper
8. Cheered
Cheered/ Cheer (Verb)
Meaning: to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement
Sentence: "Polly Ann and her son cheered when the machine was pulled from the tunnel"
New sentence: John chreered when he graduated.
Synonym: encourage, motivate
Antonym: discourage
9. Steam
Steam (Noun)
Meaning: the hot gas that is produced when water boils
Sentence: "the steam drill and other machines replaced the steel-drivers"
New sentence: The shower room was full of steam.
Synonym: mist, vapor
Antonym: aridity
10. Thick
Thick (adjective)
Meaning: having a large distance between two sides
Sentence: "The workers had to breathe thick black smoke and dust"
New sentence: The walls of my house are two meters thick.
Synonym: Broad
Antonym: Thin
11. Laborers
Laborers (Noun)
Meaning: People who serve other people
Sentence: "He saw machines taking the place of America's best laborers"
New sentence: Carlos is a laborer of a pharmacy.
Synonym: Worker, drudge
Antonym: Idler
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12. Drills
Drills (noun)
Meaning: a tool or machine for making holes in a hard substance
Sentence: "They did this by hitting thick steel drills, or spikes."
New Sentence: an electric drill is expensive
Synonyms: Tool, counter-drill
Antonym: inflate
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