jueves, 12 de agosto de 2021



New vocaulary found in the book "Edgar Allan Poe (Biography)"

 1. Seemingly



Meaning: appearing to be something, especially when this is not true. 

Sentence: His life was short and seemingly unhappy.

New sentence: The factory closure is seemingly inevitable.

Synonyms:  Evidently, apparently.

Antonym: Genuinely.


 2. Gambling

Gambling: Noun


Meaningthe activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race. 

Sentence:  John Allan refused to pay Edgar's gambling losses.

New sentenceHe owned several bars in the city and ran an illegal gambling joint. 

Synonym: Bet, wager.

Antonym: Save.


 3. Frightening

Frightening:  Adjective


Meaningmaking you feel fear.

Sentence: He published many of his most frightening stories during this time.

New sentence: She found the film extremely frightening.

Synonym:Scare, panic.

Antonym: Comfort.


 4. Dull

Dull: Adjective


Meaningnot clear, bright, or shiny.

Sentence:  It was a low, dull, quick sound.

New sentence: I heard a dull thud from the kitchen and realized she must have fainted.

Synonym Tedious, dark.

Antonym: Bright.


5. Gasp/ Gasped

Gasp/ Gasped: Verb


Meaningto take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain, or shock.

Sentence:I gasped for breath.

New sentenceWhen she saw the money hidden in the box, she gasped in surprise.

Synonym:Blow, puff.

Antonym: Blow out.


 6. Tavern

Rage/ Raged: Noun


Meaninga place where alcohol is sold and drunk.

Sentence:He was found in a tavern in Baltimore.

New sentence: They tended to congregate more in the taverns than at the theatres.

Synonym Bar, boozer.

Antonym: Sleazy.


7. Rags

Rags: Noun


Meaning:a torn piece of old cloth.

SentenceHe was dressed in rags.

New sentence: I keep these rags for cleaning the car. 

Synonym: Tatters, scraps.

Antonym: Warms. 


 8. Arose

Arose: Verb


MeaningTo get out of bed.

Sentence: I arose and argued about trifles.

New sentenceWe arose early on Christmas morning.

Synonym: Get up, rise.

Antonym: Sit down.


9. Insanity 

Insanity noun 


Meaning: serious mental illness

Sentence: Edgar Allan Poe wrote stories and poems of mystery and terror, insanity and death.

New sentenceIt would be insanity to expand the business at the moment.

Synonym: Dementia, Lunacy

Antonym: Sanity


10. Dismissed 

Dismissed Verb


Meaning: to refuse to consider an idea or opinion:

SentenceHe was dismissed from the academy in eighteen thirty-one after six months

New sentence: The committee dismissed the idea as rubbish.

Synonym: Release, Dissolve

Antonym: Entertain


11. Floorboards 

Floorboards Noun


Meaning: a long, narrow, flat board that forms part of a wooden floor in a building

Sentence: He cuts up the body and hides the parts under the floorboards of the victim's house.

New sentence: He had his foot to the floorboard

Synonym: woodblocks, boards

Antonym: Board


12. Steadily 

Steadily Adjective


Meaning: happening at a gradual, regular rate

Sentence: but the noise steadily increased.

New sentence: He has had a steady flow/stream of visitors.

Synonym: Stable, Secure 

Antonym: Unstable


13. Trifles



Meaningsomething silly or unimportant

Sentence: I arose and argued about trifles

New sentence: It does seem a trifle odd.

Synonym: triviality, inessential

Antonym: Important


14. Rabies 

Rabies Noun


Meaning: a serious disease that people can get if they are bitten by an infected animal

Sentence: Others say he developed rabies from an animal bite

New sentence: We're treating her for rabies

Synonym: Disease, Sickness

Antonym: health


15. Vehemently



Meaning: showing strong, often negative, feelings about something

Sentence:I talked more quickly -- more vehemently

New sentence: "He was a vehement opponent of the new law

Synonym: passionate, fervent

Antonym: apathetic





sábado, 17 de julio de 2021



 New vocaulary found in the book "The Srtory of an Eyewithness"

 1. Within

Within: prepositionadverb


Meaning: inside or not further than an area or period of time

Sentence: Within minutes of the earthquake, the fires began.

New sentence: He saw her as his main adversary within the company.

Synonyms:  Inside, In

Antonym: Outside


 2. Redden/ Reddening

Redden/ Reddening: verb


Meaning: If something reddens, it becomes or is made more red than it was

Sentence:  And for three days and nights, this huge fire moved in the sky, reddening the sun, darkening the day and filling the land with smoke.

New sentence: His face reddened with embarrassment.

Synonym: Turn red, rouge

Antonym: Pale


 3. Burst

Burst:  Verb


Meaning: to suddenly burn strongly, producing a lot of flames

Sentence: And the great water pipes had burst.

New sentence: The truck burst into flames.

Synonym: Explosion, Detonation

Antonym: Closure


 4. Path

Path: Noun


Meaning: a route or track between one place and another, or the direction in which something is moving.

Sentence:  Fire fighters decided to use explosives to destroy buildings in its path

New sentence: I ran a big garden path

Synonym:  Way, Course

Antonym: Closed circuit


5. Yell/ Yelling

Yell/ Yelling: Verb


Meaning: to shout something or make a loud noise, usually when you are angry, in pain, or excited

Sentence: There was no shouting and yelling.

New sentence: Our neighbors were yelling at each other this morning.

Synonym: Shout, Scream

Antonym: Whisper


 6. Rage/ Raged

Rage/ Raged: Noun


Meaning: (a period of) extreme or violent anger

Sentence: he flames raged on. 

New sentence: I never saw him so raged

Synonym:  Fury, Anger

Antonym: Happy


7. Relief

Relief: Noun


Meaning: a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended

Sentence: The government has control of the situation, and thanks to the immediate relief given by the whole United States

New sentence: After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of relief.

Synonym: Repose, Consolation

Antonym: Aggravation


 8. Refugees

Refugees: Noun


Meaning: a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economic reasons or because of a war

Sentence: Outside the house the troops were falling back and forcing the refugees ahead of them

New sentence: The refugees were packed shoulder to shoulder on the boat

Synonym: Runaway, Asylum

Antonym: Settled


9. Retreated

Retreated: Verb


Meaning:When soldiers retreat, they move away from the enemy, especially to avoid fighting

Sentence: The troops, refugees and all had retreated.

New sentence: "The army was forced to retreat"

Synonym: Retire, Draw back

Antonym: Advance


10. Darkening 

Darkening : Verb


Meaning: to become dark or make something dark

Sentence: darkening the day and filling the land with smoke.

New sentence: "the darkening sky was beautiful."

Synonym: Darken, Blacken

Antonym: Lighten


11. Opposing 

Opposing: Adjective


Meaning: Completely different 

Sentence: There was no opposing the flames

New sentence: "The book presents two opposing views."

Synonym: Opposite, Rival

Antonym: Allied


12. Pouring 

Pouring : Verb


Meaning: to enter or leave a place in large numbers

Sentence: Wind was pouring in upon the city.

New sentence: "We can't go out in this weather - it's pouring!"

Synonym: Rush, Flow 

Antonym: Trickle


13. Roared 

Roared : Verb


Meaning: to make a loud, deep sound

Sentence: Wednesday night the whole city crashed and roared into ruin

New sentence: "We could hear a lion roaring from the other side of the zoo."

Synonym: Drum, Shout

Antonym: Quiet


14. Wrapped 

Eyewitness: Verb


Meaning: to cover something or someone with paper, cloth, etc

Sentence: Some were wrapped in blankets

New sentence: "They wrapped him in a blanket"

Synonym: Package, Encase

Antonym: Uncovered


15. Arise 

Arise : Verb


Meaning: If a problem arises, it starts to happen

Sentence: The extremely tired people would arise and struggle up the steep hills

New sentence: "The whole problem arose from a lack of communication."

Synonym: Rise, Occur

Antonym: Lie Down



