New vocaulary found in the book "Edgar Allan Poe (Biography)"
Seemingly: adverb
Meaning: appearing to be something, especially when this is not true.
New sentence: The factory closure is seemingly inevitable.
Synonyms: Evidently, apparently.
Antonym: Genuinely.
Gambling: Noun
Meaning: the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race.
Sentence: John Allan refused to pay Edgar's gambling losses.
New sentence:
Synonym: Bet, wager.
Antonym: Save.
Frightening: Adjective
Meaning: making you feel fear.
Sentence: He published many of his most frightening stories during this time.
New sentence:
Synonym:Scare, panic.
Antonym: Comfort.
Dull: Adjective
Meaning: not clear, bright, or shiny.
Sentence: It was a low, dull, quick sound.
New sentence: I heard a dull thud from the kitchen and realized she must have fainted.
Synonym: Tedious, dark.
Antonym: Bright.
Gasp/ Gasped: Verb
Meaning: to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain, or shock.
Sentence:I gasped for breath.
New sentence: When she saw the money hidden in the box, she gasped in surprise.
Synonym:Blow, puff.
Antonym: Blow out.
Rage/ Raged: Noun
Meaning: a place where alcohol is sold and drunk.
Sentence:He was found in a tavern in Baltimore.
New sentence: They tended to congregate more in the taverns than at the theatres.
Synonym: Bar, boozer.
Antonym: Sleazy.
7. Rags
Rags: Noun
Meaning:a torn piece of old cloth.
New sentence: I keep these rags for cleaning the car.
Synonym: Tatters, scraps.
Antonym: Warms.
Arose: Verb
Meaning: To get out of bed.
Sentence: I arose and argued about trifles.
New sentence: We arose early on Christmas morning.
Synonym: Get up, rise.
Antonym: Sit down.
9. Insanity
Insanity : noun
Meaning: serious mental illness
Sentence: Edgar Allan Poe wrote stories and poems of mystery and terror, insanity and death.
New sentence: It would be insanity to expand the business at the moment.
Synonym: Dementia, Lunacy
Antonym: Sanity
10. Dismissed
Dismissed : Verb
Meaning: to refuse to consider an idea or opinion:
New sentence: The committee dismissed the idea as rubbish.
Synonym: Release, Dissolve
Antonym: Entertain
11. Floorboards
Floorboards : Noun
Meaning: a long, narrow, flat board that forms part of a wooden floor in a building
Sentence: He cuts up the body and hides the parts under the floorboards of the victim's house.
New sentence: He had his foot to the floorboard
Synonym: woodblocks, boards
Antonym: Board
12. Steadily
Steadily : Adjective
Meaning: happening at a gradual, regular rate
Sentence: but the noise steadily increased.
New sentence: He has had a steady flow/stream of visitors.
Synonym: Stable, Secure
Antonym: Unstable
13. Trifles
Trifles: Noun
Meaning: something silly or unimportant
Sentence: I arose and argued about trifles
New sentence: It does seem a trifle odd.
Synonym: triviality, inessential
Antonym: Important
14. Rabies
Rabies : Noun
Meaning: a serious disease that people can get if they are bitten by an infected animal
Sentence: Others say he developed rabies from an animal bite
New sentence: We're treating her for rabies
Synonym: Disease, Sickness
Antonym: health
15. Vehemently
Vehemently: adjective
Meaning: showing strong, often negative, feelings about something
Sentence:I talked more quickly -- more vehemently
New sentence: "He was a vehement opponent of the new law
Synonym: passionate, fervent
Antonym: apathetic